Morgan Food Training food hygiene training & support profile contact tell a friend

Welcome to Elizabeth Morgan Food Training Consultancy

My Company can provide food hygiene training and training support services for those of you are working in the food and hospitality industries, and to those organisations which are connected with them.

You may belong to a large or small business which requires help in some aspect of developing the skills of people in your organisation. You may belong to an organisation which publishes training standards and assessments, and require assistance in the development of teaching and assessment materials.

Are you involved with any of the following types of work?

hotels or restaurants, licensed premises, 'take-away' food services, butchery, bakery or grocery trades, churches, voluntary organisations or clubs which provide a catering facility, hospitals and nursing homes, commercial catering, school meals, nursery schools, prison service, armed forces

You may need food hygiene training for yourself or for people in your organisation, however large or small it may be.

Under the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995, all food handlers who work in a business, whether it operates for commercial or charitable purposes, must have training in food hygiene, appropriate to their work activities.

I shall be happy to discuss any of your food hygiene training requirements with you, so why not give me a call or send an email to find out how I can provide a cost effective solution to your training needs.

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